lunes, 1 de abril de 2013

A year ago...

I didn't mention it before but I have been having a hard time as of late. My "absolute rose" and most favorite girl was rejecting me in many occasions and this is something I don't deal well with. I recall when she weaned that she underwent a stage when she would say "mama no" and she preferred her father over me. I also had a hard time then, being pregnant and feeling rather sick. This time around it has been worse. She doesn't nurse anymore, although she tried to after A was born. I can't exactly figure it out but I think she had forgotten the technique for she tried several times but never nursed again. If I may compare our situation to those mums who tandem nurse, I believe being able to nurse the toddler can be of help. How many times have I wished I could offer her milk and bond again the way we used to. Besides, her father has been unemployed for some months, which has been of great help having two little ones to care for, but this has meant her turning to him for most things and explicitly rejecting me. I have been suffering quite a lot and only because I have hopes this stage is finishing, I can now speak out.
Today I was re-reading what we were up to last year and a wave of nostalgia has invaded me. I want to share it, if only because I no longer write such accurate updates I also expect to improve that once my little baby is a bit less dependent, although I honestly fear two will always be more work than one used to be.
Well, little baby and "absolute rose" really like each other, which is wonderful. The babe smiles broadly every time he sees her. But I will write about this on another post. Good night!

1 comentario:

  1. It sounds like a difficult experience. I was afraid it was going to happen to me and N but it didn't.
    Maybe because of Tandem breastfeeding. I actually think we have this "tribe feeling" the three of us as we spend all day long together, which I really love... I guess now that J went back to work things will go into place with M... even though you won't have time at all :)
    We return today so I will see you soon!
