lunes, 11 de febrero de 2013

Nearly getting there

Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, when I was a little girl, I used to ask my mother if using a long ladder we could reach the sky. The answer I remember is that should we attempt to touch the sky, it would move higher and higher, eluding thus our touch.
Some days I feel as if my aim were like the sky in my mother's tale, just impossible to achieve. Others, like today, I feel we are nearly getting there. But what do I mean by "my aim" anyway?
Some might say it is perfection. I don't know.
I aspire to live in harmony, keeping the children contented and happy, inventing and setting interesting activities for the toddler, responding to the baby's cues, catching as many of his pees and poops, getting to finish house chores, writing as much as possible, doing interesting classes, and being a nice mother, wife, friend, daughter, sister, teacher...
How was my day today? The morning went by in the blink of an eye. If it hadn't been for a failed attempt to go for a stroll, aborted by the terrible wind, the baby would have maybe slept for three hours non-stop. But we've set out with sleeping A in the stroller, M walking by my side. I seldom give a dime for A's chances of sleeping much if he is not tightly held but life always surprises me and that's what I've told myself this morning. The stroller was the best option under such weather and given the fact that he was sleeping in my arms when we were preparing to go out. Lovely M has tried to ride her trike but since I didn't have enough hands to push her, she has very kindly offered to walk.
No sooner had we walked down the street, not even bent the corner, when I have realized the wisest option was going back. Fortunately, M has found out some balloons and stickers we had under the stroller, which has entertained her on the way back. Unfortunately, A has woken up and the following hour and a half he's been rather upset.
In my attempt to reach the aim, I keep on redesigning nap time and bed time routines that can match our needs with two children. Conclusion, after a frugal meal we've spent more than one and a half hours to get to sleep. When the husband has arrived, though, both kids were napping like angels. Full stop.
The afternoon has been spent amidst a trip to the store, a visit to the lake to feed the ducks, supper and bed time.
Why do I feel, then, that today we are getting closer to the ideal? I guess it is because I have been able to do some laundry, folded clothes, shopped for pants -now that I can't get into any of my old pants-, prepared two simple activities for M, made a kettledrum with recycled items during nap time, survived the morning, gotten to sleep a baby that doesn't like nursing to sleep... No baking or tinkering today but I have the feeling I have done my best to get closer to my dream. Well, and it wouldn't be so without this short while of writing. This feels like paradise although it is way past midnight...

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