domingo, 24 de marzo de 2013

A present for a five-year-old

This weekend we have been to a very special friend's birthday party. She was turning 5 and I knew she is very into letters, so I wanted to make something letter-related and since I also happen to love stamps I gave foam stamps a try. It doesn't always happen to me that I am very glad with the result when I want to make a birthday present and I often end up giving something different from what I'd planned. However, this time around I was quite happy and I want to show it to you.
I made the stamps using foam pieces that I glued to big bottle caps. The ink pad is just the lid of a container -the kind of container take away food comes in- lined with thick felt. I wanted to add homemade ink as well but it wouldn't have fitted into the box we were going to use. To use this pad with the stamps the only thing one needs is a bit of acrylic paint and a pinch of salt. The salt makes the paint a bit more fluid. 

Añadir leyenda

Voilà, that's the way the present looked. We gave it to our friend together with a card M had done. 

miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2013

Robins, sparrows, wagtails...

Did I ever mention Spring is my very favorite season? Well, it is. I was born in Spring. I can't help contradicting T.S Eliot, for I DO NOT think "April is the cruellest month".
Jokes aside, something that fills my heart with happiness is the sight of birds coming everyday to eat from the bird feeders we made last winter.
As a tribute to the birds, we have done a collage and I am happy to share it. I like the result and the process was a non directed activity, age appropriate for a 2 year-old-toddler, as well as interesting.
I I don't have any pictures of the invitation to paint, but as you can guess from the finished collage, there were some paper clippings -deliberately cut in the shape of a tree, ovals for the birds' bodies, triangles for the beaks, little rectangles for the legs, and so on. There were sponges and some little plates with finger paint.
M was free to paint as she wanted, as you can also see. After the pieces were dry, we glued the birds and the trees and voilà!!  

lunes, 18 de marzo de 2013

Spring activities

I guess this activity is so simple that I could just let the images speak by themselves. I wanted to start creating some Spring-related invitations to work and this idea just came to my mind. 
To set it up you only need some bottle caps (I always keep some just in case), thick cardboard (I used a cereal box turned inside out), and a little basket or box to place the bottle caps. Any design can be done, which is great. My toddler completed two patterns very quickly but I think I will prepare more 'cause she showed great interest.

domingo, 17 de marzo de 2013


My baby generally hates being on his back but the mirror has been a discovery. He can gaze at himself for quite some time. I love how he can concentrate on his reflection!

sábado, 16 de marzo de 2013

Our week in images

Invitation to play: flower patterns and bottle tops
Invitation to play: contact paper flowers, colored paper clippings, bottle caps and buttons.

While the older siblings had a play date...

I got it!!

martes, 12 de marzo de 2013

Digging up knobbed puzzle pieces

I am always on the lookout for ways to re-use materials and trying to make further use of a knobbed puzzle the other day I set up a really simple activity that kept M busy for a while. These puzzles are the kind of material that after a few uses become old hat. I fear that is one of the disadvantage of most non open-ended materials. But well, with a bit of imagination we can reuse them!
For this activity you only need the wooden already mastered puzzle, a tray, and flour, salt or corn-starch. I covered the pieces with starch and presented it next to the base of the puzzle. I added a thick paintbrush as an invitation to uncover the "treasure".
M eagerly took the brush and dug up the pieces. She was quite excited to see what was buried there!

domingo, 10 de marzo de 2013

Pretend play and the three months milestone

Biyearly update, kind of...

My daughter has surprised me with pretend games as of late. At 2,3 years she spends each day some time pretending she is having tea with some friends. She has a tent in the playing room where she always "makes" us "tea and makrutes" (an Arabic cookie I believe she learnt from a book called "Muk travels around the world"). She also has some imaginary friends who apparently live in the tent. She has even given them names and keeps mentioning them.
Two weeks ago we attended her great granma's funeral in a Catholic church and she was apparently fascinated by the building for she started mentioning churches all the time and then she decided there was a mouse in the church and everything was turned into "mice in churches". Then, the church kick waned but she keeps inventing new games. Whenever we go to a park she gets under a slide or shack and pretends that is her house.
For two reasons this has really taken me aback. I thought pretend play was something that started later in a child's life, or so I had read, and I have never encouraged it, not consciously at least. She has a cabinet in our kitchen and another one in the bathroom but they are used to store real objects that she uses for practical life activities such as cooking, eating, washing or grooming herself. Some people might have thought her kitchen cabinet was a play kitchen but that is not the case. The only toy food she has is a set of cutting wooden food box that is kept in our living-room shelves with other items. Since the food in that set is sliced or cut in pieces I thought we might use it to work on fractions but I don't expect this to happen any soon.
Another game she has come up with all by herself is the "I spy" in the way of "tell me a word". Then, you tell her one and she starts looking around for the object you've just mentioned. This is a wonderful way to consolidate words seldom used. And talking about language, it is now evident that M's first language is Catalan. I guess it is only normal for this is the language she hears around. Since she started to interact with adults, her Catalan vocabulary has widened a lot. She understands English and does sometimes answer back in English or makes up mixed words such as "neetem" (need conjugated in Catalan), "playem" (from play) or "tuquing" (from tocar) but doesn't generally use English to express herself.

M is really into cooking, spooning, funneling, washing dishes, and other activities that tend to happen in the kitchen.

Other of her interests in the gross motor field are shooting balls, which she is very good at, going through tunnels or climbing onto places, and well, movement in general.

In the social aspect, M often asks to see children and we try to provide them whenever possible. As I have sometimes mentioned, in Spain most children M's age are in kindergartens plus we live in   an underpopulated area so it is not very often that we get to see children. Anyway, her interest is not  yet in playing with them, she enjoys watching them and interacts only with the ones she is more familiar with. We got a full garden of children yesterday and she had a great time. It is amazing to see her while children are playing with her toys and using her things, not always in the gentlest possible way. I feel very clumsy when expressing this. I don't like labeling behavior and escape using words such as "sharing" or "generosity". In fact what I am talking about is not exactly sharing I believe, at least not in the way most adults seem to think about the issue. We have never ever prompted her to share anything and yet it is beautiful indeed to see her "sharing" from her heart as it is to see her offering you her food even if it is her favorite food and there is only one piece left.
I have also noticed this girl of mine is growing very empathetic, as well. Some things have been worrying me as of late and whenever she sees me worry she urges me to laugh. "Riu, mama, riu", she says.

Dear little A is about to turn from tommy to back position. I expect it to happen any day. This baby of mine is really keen on movement. It started already in the belly and when very little time before his birth he did a somersault and changed from head to breech position. Most of the milestones I recall happening later are already taking place; turning, holding and raising head, doing crunches. Unlike her sister at his age, he sleeps much and generally he only wants to nurse when he is really hungry. I am amazed at how different two siblings can be. She could spend her days at the breast and he is sometimes annoyed if I offer him milk and he is just sleepy, or so it was at least until now that he's turned 3 months. Some patterns are starting to change, though. We are setting a bedtime routine that seems to work, something we never did with M. Hence her sleep habits have never been too good, or so I fear. I used to regard the idea of routines as a purely grown-up thing convenient to adult's lifestyle but I might have grown up myself for I find they can be useful and helpful for the baby. In general we go more with the flow of the everyday rhythm, trying to leave ample room for what might come up but this time around I have brought myself to set a bedtime routine to which I am sticking to.

Well, the feeling of time going by real fast is something that becomes too obvious when you have children. Already three months and it seems it was yesterday that I found out I was pregnant!
Three months have had to pass to enable me to write a long update post, and there is yet so much I am leaving unsaid. I truly hope I will be able to write oftener now but I feel I can't promise anything. Sorry!

martes, 5 de marzo de 2013

Our experience of EC so far

The satisfaction at every "catch"

Before A was born I knew I wished to start EC from the beginning. Then, he came all of a sudden and being one of the between 0,14 and 0,62 % of umbilical cord prolapse cases. While I was recovering both physically and emotionally from an emergency C-section (from a birth that had nicely started at home) that had rendered me terribly weak and anemic I couldn't start EC, not actively at least. But after he turned 1 month I had already observed his rhythm and was ready to start.

What is elimination communication?, some of you may ask. Without any shyness, let me quote our friend Wikipedia: EC is a practive in which a caregiver uses timing, signals, cues, and intuition to address an infant's need to eliminate waste. Caregivers try to recognize and respond to babies' bodily needs and enable them to urinate and defecate in an appropriate place (e.g. a toilet). (...) EC emphasizes communicaton between the caregiver and child, helping them both become more attuned to the child's innate rhythms and control of urination and defecation.

A is turning 3 months today and this week we have been able to catch every poop and many of his pees. The satisfaction at every "catch" is something very close to the excitement we, parents, feel when we witness a new skill in our children. What amazes me the most is how easy it is to EC a very young baby. I generally place him over a potty when he wakes up, after feeds, and whenever I have the intuition he has to go. More than 90 % of the times he does something and if we forget he is very efficient in letting us know that he is pretty uncomfortable. Something else that amazes me is the fact that he seems to wait for the moment you place him over the potty, at least to poop.
Many of you might think I am a freak but I have already gotten used to going to public bathrooms after a feed to help A urinate or defecate... and the feeling of success is quite exciting. Fortunately nobody has seen me yet... EC is not very popular in Spain.

I would really like to hear about other EC experiences so feel free to share!!